Sunday 30 September 2007


Does your kids poor grades worry you sick?

This REPORT you the Answers You Urgently Need!
Give Your Child the Top Grades He Deserves!

Turn Your Child Into a Classroom Wizard!

"Improve your child's performance at school by at least one grade higher or your money back ! -Guaranteed"

Yes, here is your chance to make such a difference in your child’s performance in school that the teacher may actually call you up to see what happened!

Discover how you too, can easily turn your child's "average" grades into High Grades within weeks and be the proudest parent at school!

Leave other parents wondering why your child gets good grades effortlessly while theirs work for hours only to get average results!

My name is Peter Damian. Orogbu. In the next few minutes I’m going to show you how to help turn your kids into "Grade A" candidates in as little as a few short weeks."
Okay, this all sounds exciting, but why am I willing to share ALL this with you?

Simply because it occurred to me that when I showed other parents how to use this method on their children and we saw how it worked like a dream for them too, it got me thinking that this can work for ANYONE, ANYWHERE in Nigeria and in the world.

So let me put your mind at ease by revealing exactly what happened.
This is a true story of what really happened with my child. Let me show you how this proven system works, and how YOU can make it work for your child.

I have studied what makes people "tick", and I saw how some ideas when combined and applied to children worked like a dream. These ideas can absolutely revolutionize your child’s attitude to school and can profoundly affect his or her entire future.

Have you ever had one of those hugely embarrassing parent days? The kind where the teacher asks you if your child has hearing or learning problems? Or suggested they were switched off, lazy, or even unintelligent? They ask why your child's marks are slipping, or if is there a problem at home?

Worse still is the nagging doubt in your mind that your child may have serious learning difficulties.
This is every parents nightmare and here’s the great news- it doesn’t have to be like this. You can completely revolutionize your child’s schooling by using a simple and effective 3 step plan that I discovered recently
And I want to show YOU how to do exactly that......

Many parents make a devastating mistake in thinking that their “under achieving” child doesn’t have the mental capacity to do better. To put this bluntly a child can be labeled “dumb” or “stupid” not only by teachers but also subliminally by the child’s own parents.

There are no lazy kids, only Lazy teachers and parents!! There are no stupid and dumb kids only.........

Many of the world’s business leaders, the chairmen/women of top companies and successful entrepreneurs were thought of as school failures, written off by their teachers. Fortunately something or someone “flicked their switch” and motivated them towards greatness and success. Think of the Dangote's, the Mike Adenuga's, The Wole Soyinka's , The Gani Fawehimi's, Richard Branson of Virgin, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet e.t.c....

Your child, any child has the capacity for greatness. All you need is to "flick their switch"
This report will show you how to flick the switch !Like you, my child was very frustrated with school particularly with mathematics, he didn’t show the slightest bit of interest in his lessons he was playful and easily distracted. It was quite embarrassing to have his teacher complain about him on a regular basis, homework time was a nightmare,
He even lied about not having any home work to do on more than one occasion. I was at my wits end! He wouldn’t read, his mathematics was dreadful; his spelling was atrocious and worse still he just didn’t care.

We tried everything to get him to do his homework, bribery, threats, flogging him, anything we could think of. I was so desperate I even did his homework for him more than once!
The final straw came when his teacher told us that he wouldn’t even achieve the average grade in the up and coming tests. We were so down hearted, these tests were so important to his future and his performance would decide his class group at the next academic session, I contemplated making him repeat the class the next session.

What were we going to do?
Time was running short, but I was determined to find something that would work, and fast, we had a deadline here! The tests was to start in only twelve weeks.

Quite by coincidence three days later, a bosom childhood friend of mine Tony Nwisi called me form Atlanta, United States of America to tell me that his six years (6 years) old son Israel Nwisi has just become the youngest person in the United Kingdom to pass O' Level mathematics and was already studying calculus and that his goal was for his son to to get into Harvard University by age 12 ( Google Israel Nwisi to read about it).

I spoke with him for over an hour on the phone as he shared his secret on how he was able to raise his kid to that level of proficiency, I also came across an article regarding a study carried out with school-aged children. Their levels of ability were tested at the beginning of the experiment and again at the end. The results in their concentration and grades were astounding!

Combining the main ingredient from the study with my friends advice and strategy that made his son the youngest person to pass O' level mathematics , I started work on my child (who had no idea what was going on.) twelve weeks later he sat the tests and yes, you guessed it he passed – he blew the teachers comments out of the window!

We all know the pressure our kids are under to perform, our society seems to have gone “education” crazy! Parents are embarrassed if their child is not doing well at school. There’s so much competition these days, getting your kids into the “best” schools ensuring they are receiving the education they deserve.
Look, to be honest with you, I know how hard it is to bring up children these days, the pressure we are all under to turn out a balanced, well mannered, high achieving child has never been more critical.

STOP ! You need to think about this for a minute

Just stop and think for a minute, are we as parents helping our children in a way that’s best for them? Can we change the way our kids think and learn? Can we make a difference ? I know we can, easily, without a big fuss, extra homework or expensive tuition. We need to have a paradigm shift as to what it takes to educate our children

Let me make this very clear, this report is NOT ABOUT:

Working for hours on EXTRA school work.

Paying for expensive tutors.

Bullying, bribery or arm twisting.

Paying an extortionate amount for a new “Educational program”.

Attending homework clubs or after-school tuition groups.

If you are serious about doing something different to help your child, then you need to get a copy of this report it will show you a tried and tested, simple 3 step system so fantastic that you will not believe the results! Anyone can do this, whether you have no academic qualifications or you have a PhD in rocket science, it doesn’t matter.

Even if your child is doing OK in school this method is still for them- it maximizes their potential, and they don't even notice they are doing it.

Teachers will wonder why your child's grades are suddenly improving.
Here’s just a couple of letters I have received from relieved and grateful parents

“Femi has turned into a more confident child when mixing with other children and adults. His writing has improved and he enjoys asking questions or reading to improve his knowledge. I believe that this system has made a huge difference in his life. Thank you "
Mrs Olabisi Kuye, Lagos

“I could not believe what a difference the information contained in the report has made. Before, it was chaos in our house at homework time; I was getting fed up of the arguing. We had one child who seemed to be doing ok at school getting grade B's and C's and one that hated it and got regular D's and E's ! We thought it would be a good idea to apply what I had learned on both kids, they even thought it was fun! Now they BOTH get A's and B's, Its so enjoyable learning in our house now because we know what motivates each child and they want to do their best .This makes life so much easier for all of us. Thank you! "
Mrs Emilia Uzoma-Okeke ,Uyo, Akwa-Ibom

Let’s stop and think for a moment- what if you didn’t act now and let the education system, your kids teachers opinion, or your own subliminal and unuttered fears about your kids learning abilities decide your child’s future?

Where will your child be in a few months time? Still struggling with class work, still labeled “dumb and stupid” ( I will punch the teachers face if calls my kid that ) or “disruptive and lazy”, grades still slipping or at best making average grades? You will still be dreading the next Parent- Teachers Day and they will still be dreading the day the report cards come out.


Just imagine next Parent Day, how proud you could be, you could actually look forward to the next school report card. You will see the confidence your child will develop, being able to hold their head up amongst their classmates.

Believe me this is priceless!

I will show you in this report 3 easy steps how I helped my child go from “below average” grades at school to a level we could not have wished for in a thousand years – AND increased his self confidence in less than twelve weeks.

No more hiding school books

No more bribery and threats to make them study and do their home work

No more embarrassing Parent Days or school report cards

No more arguing over homework

Anyone can do this.The cost and time is minimal, yet the results AMAZING.

This incredible system has been tried and tested not only by me but by hundreds of parents and students across the globe who have discovered what I share with you in this report and with astounding results, and I can show you how this can work for YOU and your children - today

Are You Ready For BIG changes !

What do you have to loose?

What if I could show you how to :

End the hassle and tantrums with homework first time, every time.

Improve your children's self confidence and help them realize their potential in 90 days. See their average grades literally jump up to A’s and B’s.

Works with all ages, from kindergarten to middle school and beyond.

Find out what rockets brain power and increases concentration.
Understand what makes your child tick by completing a simple questionnaire.

Learn to bring enjoyment & learning into their day to day activities.

Find out what motivates your child (what’s in it for them?)
Increase their chances in life. Getting the right job, getting into the right secondary school, college or university depends on RESULTS.

Learn the three elements to combine for your child’s lifelong success

Now it’s your child’s turn to arise and shine,to achieve the results they deserve.

You don't need to send your child to a private school in order to get the best grades. The cost is horrendous; You don't have to spend hundreds of thousands of Naira (some schools cost as much as I,000,000 Naira an academic session), to achieve just one objective, to turn low grades into high grades.

Yet under-privileged children from ordinary local government run schools achieve spectacular grades. How much are you willing to invest in your child’s future? Ten thousand Naira? Twenty thousand Naira? Your entire pension fund?

Throwing huge amounts of money at a problem doesn’t make the problem go away. You need to "flick the switch" - so your child can reach those high grades with ease.

Rather than spend a small fortune on special tutors or private schools, why don't you try risk free, the simple ideas in this report that can achieve the same results for a tiny fraction of the price.

The normal retail price of this report is N7,500 (even then its still saving thousands) but you are one of the privileged few who have the chance to grab the report. There are only 200 pre-launch copies available at a sensational low price of N5,500.
Once sales have reached this figure, the pre-launch copies will be withdrawn and the price will be reviewed upwards at its official launch. No exceptions I’m afraid, please ACT NOW so you are not disappointed tomorrow.

But that's not all...... order within the next 24 hours and I'll include 2 fantastic free bonuses.


"Help your child to read" - a fabulous resource for parents who want to give their child a great head start in reading. Tips and advice from the professionals.


"Keeping Kids Busy" - a book packed with ideas for all ages. Every parents bible!

This is entirely without risk. A complete win-win situation. If for any reason, you feel that this report is not for you, then you may ask for and receive a complete refund at any time during the next two weeks of purchase. Absolutely no stress. Report me to EFCC If I don't.

On the other hand, when your child’s teacher asks you how you managed to achieve the improvement in your child’s grades in so short a time you might just decide to let them in on “your secret”.

You are one of the few special parents who can see the power of this and act now.

Do not delay. You have nothing to lose except your child’s future,

Yes, I am ready to invest in my child’s future.

Order now to see Grade A results in the next set of exams. The report will be sent to you within 24 hours of confirmation of payment, you can start making a difference TODAY in your child's life.

To Order,Pay N5,500 into any branch of Guaranty Trust Bank Plc

Account no: 711-603-592-110
Account name: Peter Damian Orogbu

Send me an email through or call me on 08135741521 with the following information:
Name, Branch Paid Into, Amount Paid, Deposit Slip Number, Date of Payment, Telephone Number, YOUR ADDRESS and ALL necessary information you think will assist us in delivering the report to you within 24 hours.

Your unique and gifted child has potential that far exceeds what you believe. It's definitely there! I already know that, even though I don't know your child. I know they can lead a rich and rewarding life, a life every parent wants for their child.

I think life is all about choices- make the right choice for your child. I guarantee you will not regret it for a moment.

Whatever you decide, I wish you and your family well.
Peter-Damian Orogbu

Give your kids the grades they deserve and turn them to classroom geniuses. For only N5,500 you will be making an investment into their life that will be worth millions to you in the future, you get information that will help your kids grades soar in a few weeks and give them an edge over their classmates. Only 200 pre-launch copies available and will be withdrawn once sales have reached this figure, place your order within 24 hours and get amazing bonuses!
Behind every great kid is a great parent; make the difference in you child's life

Order your report Now!


About Me

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I am Peter-Damian Orogbu. Motivational speaker, Life Coach, Author, Pastor